Member & Reporting

APDIC members report their previous year's activities and immediate plans at the annual APDIC meetings.

APDIC - Argentina

Asociación Argentina de Materiales, Argentina

The Argentine Materials Association – SAM is the APDIC representative for Argentina. The activities of SAM, amongst others, are:

• To promote knowledge and dissemination of materials science; promote, coordinate and guide their study, research and teaching; link people who are dedicated to Materials Science or are interested in its development and dedicated to maintaining high scientific standards amongst its members.

• To compile and/or subsidize publications, in the form of a brochure or magazine of a technical-scientific nature, aimed at informing the scientific community about the activities of the association.

SAM members come from various disciplines of Materials Science that carry out basic and applied research in metallic materials, ceramics, polymers and composite materials. Many of the members of SAM work as teachers and researchers at universities and also in industry. This is why thermodynamics and kinetics of material transformations play a fundamental role within SAM.


On December 20, 1955, at a meeting at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, a group of young professionals from different disciplines of metallurgy, founded the Argentine Society of Metals (Sociedad Argentina de Metales - SAM). On March 15, 1993, in the city of Rosario, Province of Santa Fe, this association was re-founded under the name Argentine Materials Association (Asociación Argentina de Materiales - SAM).

Argentina formally joined APDIC in May 1996, at the APDIC meeting in Erice (ITALY). The first presentation of Argentine activities in the framework of APDIC was made by the "Argentine Phase Diagram Committee", which had been created in 1995, with an important contribution being made by researchers from the National Atomic Energy Commission - CNEA (Bariloche Atomic Center, Constituyentes Atomic Center and Ezeiza Atomic Center).

Since 2016, Argentine activities related to the thermodynamics of phase transformations have been reported at APDIC by the “Argentine Materials Association – SAM”.