Member & Reporting

APDIC members report their previous year's activities and immediate plans at the annual APDIC meetings.


Chinese Phase Diagram Committee, the Chinese Physical Society

As one of twenty-eight specialized committees of the Chinese Physical Society, the Chinese Phase Diagram Committee (CPDC) was founded in 1981, originating from the former Coordination Group for Phase Diagram Research of Rare Earth Alloys established in 1978. It became a member of the Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission (APDIC) in 1994. The mission of the CPDC is to coordinate phase diagram research activities and related fields in China, including experimental determination and thermodynamic assessment of phase diagrams of alloy, oxide, ceramics, molten-salt and salt-water systems, and to provide an academic exchange platform for researchers. The CPDC holds committee meeting at least once a year and organizes national conference every two-year on phase diagram and material design with about 200 domestic and international participants in each conference. The CPDC is currently chaired by Prof. Guanghui Rao at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and consists of thirty-three members from twenty-two institutions and companies in China. The recent activities of the CPDC members are directed to experimental determination, application and assessment of phase diagrams and thermodynamic data, to design, fabrication, kinetics simulation, and first-principles calculation of materials, and to establishing database and investigating phase structure and structure-property relationships. Most recently, the microstructural evolution is one of the main focuses for CPDC. The CPDC hosted the CALPHAD XXVII conference in 1998 in Beijing and the CALPHAD XLIII conference in 2014 in Changsha. The CPDC has been dedicating itself to extensive academic collaborations among researchers in China and abroad and to making a significant contribution to the research and applications of phase diagrams.