The Alloy Phase Diagram International Commission
APDIC is a council of members who maintain major phase diagram activities.
The APDIC members perform their individual programs independently and meet at APDIC meetings to exchange and coordinate their activities. APDIC is a non-profit organization, operating through its annual meetings.
APDIC Chair: Dr. Ursula Kattner
Formed in 1986, Orlando, Florida, USA under a Memorandum of Understanding
To meet the needs of the world wide technical community, the APDIC members agreed to:
- Coordinate the overall objectives for members’ programs and publications
- Establish assessment priorities
- Coordinate activities among members to reduce duplication of effort
- Promote quality standards for phase diagram evaluations
- Assist effective dissemination of data arising
- Promote the application of phase diagrams in industry and academia
- Advance evaluation and assessment programs world wide
18 member organizations involving 26 countries
Over 50 volumes published on binary and ternary alloy systems, by APDIC members such as:
- ASM International
- MSI, Materials Science International Services
- IIoM, The Indian Institute of Metals
- IoM3, The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining, a web-based global research platform for the critical evaluation of binary and ternary systems
APDIC Awards:
- the annual “APDIC Best Paper Award”
- the “APDIC Industrial Award”